
Update your account!

Our Loyalty iOS (or Apple) App is getting an update and new look (stay tuned for more details). As part of the update and to improve the experience, the Facebook and Apple sign-in option will no longer be available on 11/14/22 for iPhone and in the near future for Android.

Here’s how to update (iPhone & Android):

Use Facebook to login?

  1. Sign in with Facebook here: https://eriksdelicafe.com/loyalty/loyalty-sign-in/
  2. Go to Edit Profile and enter your phone number
  3. You have two options for your email address:
    1. Use the email address in the Email field that you see in your profile already as your login from now on OR
    2. Create a new account and get a sign-up offer (Skip the rest of these instructions and go to Apple Users instructions below)
  4. If you choose to use the Email address in the Email field in your profile as your login, then log out and sign back in using that Email address.
  5. If your password does not work, click on “Forgot Password” and then reset your password.
  6. All points, rewards, offers, etc. will be there just the way it was.
  7. You can now use this Email address to login on the app.
  8. You can earn points and redeem rewards in-store by giving your phone number to the Team Member.
  9. Have questions? Please e-mail us at loyalty@eriksdelicafe.com.


Use Apple to login?

  1. Create a new loyalty account with your Email address and receive a 50% off whole Sandwich with Character offer.
  2. Contact us at loyalty@eriksdelicafe.com with:
    1. Your Email address for your new account.
    2. Your phone number
    3. The first and last name on your current account
  3. Erik’s will transfer all points, rewards, offers, etc. from your old account to your new account.
  4. You can now use your Email address to login on the app